We have defined our colors with specific values for both print and screen. Always make sure you adhere to these specifications for all applications.
Primary palette
The primary palette consists of five colors, including black and white. Hydro Blue is our main color. It is used in the logo, and extensively throughout the visual identity, carrying the strongest brand recognition.
Pantone U 5395 ScreenRGB 68 77 85 Paint & textileRAL 5008 |
Pantone 7544 ScreenRGB 118 134 146 Paint & textileRAL 7000 |
Pantone 877 ScreenRGB 140 140 140 Paint & textileRAL 9006 |
CMYK 0 0 0 100 ScreenRGB 0 0 0 PaintRAL 9005 |
CMYK 0 0 0 0 ScreenRGB 255 255 255 Paint & textileRAL 9003 |
Secondary palette
The secondary palette has been developed to complement our primary colors. It provides versatility in situations where many colors are needed, e.g., to create complex graphs and charts. Use this palette only when the primary palette does not suffice.
Pantone 562 ScreenRGB 67 128 122 |
Pantone 7528 ScreenRGB 197 185 172 |
Pantone 5185 ScreenRGB 74 48 65 |
Pantone 7597 ScreenRGB 185 89 70 |
Web specific colors
In order to comply with accessibility requirements and for greater flexibility, two tints - one darker and one lighter - of our Aluminium color are available to use on our website. The dark tint must be used whenever text needs to appear in gray. The light tint is for subtly separating a certain area from the white background, like in an info/fact box.
ScreenRGB 117 117 117 |
ScreenRGB 244 244 244 |
Updated: May 15, 2024